tornado226's Profile


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Join date:
26 Apr 2008
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tornado226's Favorite Games
Hedgehog Launcher

Hedgehog Launcher

37906 plays                       

Cheats: Money Hack - Some items have been modified for better performance.

Hacked By: DeathWillDie*1

War Droids

War Droids

32026 plays                       

Cheats: Health hack. Upgrades and units are all free.

Hacked By: greeny6000*1

Backyards Buzzing

Backyards Buzzing

99718 plays                       

Cheats: money

Hacked By: mathewthe2

Palisade Guardian

Palisade Guardian

152840 plays                       

Cheats: Life, ammo, money - To play the game, right click and click play.

Hacked By: Anonymous

Warfare 1944

Warfare 1944

1265034 plays                       

Cheats: Keyhacks: Press [5] Toggle Morale - [6] Toggle Units Cooldown - [7] Toggle Abili ...

Hacked By: leverage419

Stick War

Stick War

4289272 plays                       

Cheats: Money, instant soldier spawn, free upgrades, soldier limit removed

Hacked By: leverage419

Galactic Colonization

Galactic Colonization

58115 plays                       

Cheats: 1 billion resources ! That should be enough

Hacked By: DPETTY

Shadez 2: Battle For Earth

Shadez 2: Battle For Earth

299284 plays                       

Cheats: Money and Experience Points in Campaign mode - Skipping ...

Hacked By: DPETTY



211636 plays                       

Cheats: Money and Ammo

Hacked By: DPETTY, Proditor

<<123>>( 28 games )
tornado226's Hacks
No hacked games
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