diepieche's Profile


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Join date:
10 Aug 2009

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diepieche's Favorite Games
Boxhead: The Zombie Wars

Boxhead: The Zombie Wars

582196 plays                       

Cheats: Hackbar: Press [N] Toggle Health - [M] Toggle Ammo

Hacked By: leverage419

Western Blitzkrieg 2

Western Blitzkrieg 2

16060 plays                       

Cheats: Health, Lives, Ammo, & Grenades

Hacked By: DPETTY

Fatal Hunt

Fatal Hunt

9665 plays                       

Cheats: Health (blood volume),shield,lots of cash,all weapons have x3 more damage,shoot ...

Hacked By: Proditor

Sparks and Dust

Sparks and Dust

9380 plays                       

Cheats: You can't die.

Hacked By: Xnite

Merchant Banker

Merchant Banker

28512 plays                       

Cheats: Start with lots of cash

Hacked By: Proditor

Strong Bow

Strong Bow

40911 plays                       

Cheats: Lots of money

Hacked By: Proditor

The Torture Chamber 2

The Torture Chamber 2

82333 plays                       

Cheats: Everything is unlocked after the first game

Hacked By: Proditor

Ricochet Kills: Players Pack

Ricochet Kills: Players Pack

28650 plays                       

Cheats: Infinite Ammo

Hacked By: Hotrootsoup

Hitstick 5: Redemption

Hitstick 5: Redemption

50236 plays                       

Cheats: Keyhacks: Press [1] Toggle Health - [2] Toggle Ammo

Hacked By: leverage419

Shadez 2: Battle For Earth

Shadez 2: Battle For Earth

299341 plays                       

Cheats: Money and Experience Points in Campaign mode - Skipping ...

Hacked By: DPETTY

<<12345678. . . .13>>( 126 games )
diepieche's Hacks
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