Proditor's Profile


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Join date:
11 Sep 2009

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Proditor's Hacks
HoHoHo Yellow Snow

HoHoHo Yellow Snow

11750 plays                       

Cheats: Infinite urine :D

Hacked By: Proditor

Sonic Lost In Mario World

Sonic Lost In Mario World

32777 plays                       

Cheats: Lives hack and start out with 100 coins

Hacked By: Proditor

Planet Hopper

Planet Hopper

7690 plays                       

Cheats: Start out with a lot of cash

Hacked By: Proditor

Go Home Ball

Go Home Ball

9613 plays                       

Cheats: Timer hack for all modes and levels

Hacked By: Proditor

Cyber Ryder

Cyber Ryder

11672 plays                       

Cheats: Complete level 1 to unlock the cool bike

Hacked By: Proditor

Turbo Cyborg Ninja X

Turbo Cyborg Ninja X

14004 plays                       

Cheats: 30 arrows instead of 5 for each level

Hacked By: Proditor

DragonBall Z: Earth Defender

DragonBall Z: Earth Defender

96073 plays                       

Cheats: Invincibility,money,prices set to $1,starting experience ...

Hacked By: Proditor

Medieval Mercenary

Medieval Mercenary

9468 plays                       

Cheats: Enemies cause less damage,health pickups fully refill your energy,gold pickups m ...

Hacked By: Proditor

Darkness Springs Defense

Darkness Springs Defense

20271 plays                       

Cheats: Lots of gold for every level

Hacked By: Proditor

Stoneage Assassin 2

Stoneage Assassin 2

9499 plays                       

Cheats: 20 shots instead of 5 to finish all the levels... VERY BIG GAME - LET IT LOAD

Hacked By: Proditor

<<1. . . .414243444546474849. . . .65>>( 643 games )
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