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16 Mar 2010
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Adamj's Favorite Games
Bowmaster Prelude

Bowmaster Prelude

415561 plays                       

Cheats: No Bow Cool Downs and 5,000,000 Gold *New Version*

Hacked By: boykevin

Storm the House 3

Storm the House 3

239789 plays                       

Cheats: Cheats Enabled (ammo, castle health and money)

Hacked By: mathewthe2

Rift War

Rift War

16946 plays                       

Cheats: Unlimited population and Everything is free

Hacked By: RaNdOmCaPS

Weapon Game

Weapon Game

428637 plays                       

Cheats: Credits, Invincible Black Hawk, Infinite ammo and clip size, all guns do x2 dama ...

Hacked By: Magicman

Hitstick 5: Redemption

Hitstick 5: Redemption

50237 plays                       

Cheats: Keyhacks: Press [1] Toggle Health - [2] Toggle Ammo

Hacked By: leverage419

MTB Extreme Adventure Game

MTB Extreme Adventure Game

7743 plays                       

Cheats: 999 Lives and Double the Time limit for all 5 Levels! ...

Hacked By: DPETTY

Sift Heads World Act 5: An Exotic Job

Sift Heads World Act 5: An Exotic Job

176020 plays                       

Cheats: Keyhacks: Press [1] Toggle Health - [2] Toggle Ammo - [3 ...

Hacked By: leverage419

Shattered Colony

Shattered Colony

43905 plays                       

Cheats: Build a depod to get 112 of each resource.

Hacked By: selectLOL

Survive N Risk

Survive N Risk

14946 plays                       

Cheats: Gain a lot of money on each level!

Hacked By: Proditor, phreneticus

<<1. . . .45678910>>( 98 games )
Adamj's Hacks
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