xXLink4lXx's Profile


Member Information
Join date:
17 Aug 2010
Why are you trying to see where I live, stalker O.o

I created this account to ask questions, post amazing things, and show my opinion. My Top 5 favorite hacked games are: 1. Pumpkin Smashin' 2. Crush the Castle 2 3. Mutate the Labrat 2 4. Pizza City 5. Vector TD

Contact xXLink4lXx
[email protected]
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xXLink4lXx's Favorite Games
Vector TD

Vector TD

98612 plays                       

Cheats: Infinity Cash, lives, and Bonuses

Hacked By: victor

Pumpkin Smashin'

Pumpkin Smashin'

8528 plays                       

Cheats: 9999999 bat bombs

Hacked By: roflmao987

Crush the Castle 2

Crush the Castle 2

575318 plays                       

Cheats: All Projectiles - Weapons & Provinces Unlocked! ...

Hacked By: DPETTY, Proditor, selectLOL

Pizza City

Pizza City

58288 plays                       

Cheats: Unlimited gas, Money, pizza damage goes to 0 when you hit a building, getting to ...

Hacked By: Deathnote202

Mutate the Lab Rat 2

Mutate the Lab Rat 2

114222 plays                       

Cheats: Money - Food & Mutagens - Get 10 items when buying instead of 1 on first pur ...

Hacked By: DPETTY

xXLink4lXx's Hacks
No hacked games
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