Member Information
I thank you guys for the support and hope that you all enjoy my hacks very much. Nad special thanks to all the plants vs zombies players who have made the game such a hit, over 40,000 plays in less than a week. |
Contact AceAnderson
Member Statistics
Cheats: The first time you crash, you lose one life. No more li ...
Hacked By: AceAnderson
Cheats: You make a ton of Money. You just can't see it until you make some money.
Hacked By: AceAnderson
Cheats: All levels unlocked - 100 extra rounds of special ammo
Hacked By: AceAnderson
Cheats: 1 cargo needed to pass each level - Items give money.
Hacked By: AceAnderson
Cheats: All units are free, helped by roflmao987.
Hacked By: AceAnderson
Cheats: Unlimited Health and Ammo - Code for the door in level 2 is 4431 - Level 1 code: ...
Hacked By: AceAnderson
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