Cheats: Key Hacks: Press [5] Health - [6] Money - (Extra Hacks: Start with 9999 Grenades ...
Hacked By: mathewthe2
Cheats: Everything cost $1 - Start with 100 points and earn 10 after each fight - Stat p ...
Hacked By: DPETTY
Cheats: NOTE: You might need to clear your saved data for the hacks to work. A lot of Mo ...
Hacked By: roflmao987
Cheats: all guitars unlocked and all songs unlocked.
Hacked By: Cepik13
Cheats: Money - Infinite Ammo, Adrenaline & Health "Acid still hurts"
Hacked By: DPETTY
Cheats: Keyhacks: [R] Toggle On Health - [T] Toggle off health - [Z] Ammo
Hacked By: selectLOL
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