Cheats: Infinite Life, 999999 Ammo for all weapons, Pistol & Mine, Damage increase. ...
Hacked By: DPETTY
Cheats: All weapons unlocked, more damage by Carpet and life after death by Dave Petty
Hacked By: Carpet, DPETTY
Cheats: Infinite Health. Infinite grenades when you get them.
Hacked By: Carpet
Cheats: Invincibility,infinite ammo and clip size,no reload,all weapons with increased r ...
Hacked By: Proditor
Cheats: Health Hack - *REQUIRES FLASH PLAYER 10 TO PLAY*
Hacked By: DPETTY
Cheats: Customers leave much more money and cooks are super fast.
Hacked By: ZuckeRb
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