Cheats: stats, statpoints, skillpoints, money,stats,level,damage,dex
Hacked By: mathewthe2
Cheats: Health, Psy, Enemy health is lower and more grenades. (After it loads, you need ...
Hacked By: DeathWillDie*1
Cheats: Instant spawn, huge number of lives, most things cost 1, 999 upgrade points.
Hacked By: Camo Cat
Cheats: +9999999999 to time each time collecting one gold square, He runs a little fas ...
Hacked By: killer1478
Cheats: Money and Health Hack. In some levels, you can't get the best gun also, in ...
Hacked By: sme11y
Cheats: 999 lives and +1000 to score when you collect eggs or kill enemy
Hacked By: jbdogtag
Cheats: Speed cheat, grenade cheat, health cheat, ammo cheat, and power up timer cheat.
Hacked By: jbdogtag
Cheats: King appeasing is much easier - lots more gold per person.
Hacked By: swab29
Cheats: Unlimited Lives, Extra Curve Bonus and Easier To Curve
Hacked By: jamason09
Cheats: Money hack, Start on LV 1078, Power 999, Barrier 999, Mind 999, Charm 999, Healt ...
Hacked By: Speedzter
Cheats: 999999999$, 999 in all 3 skills, You Are A Affiliate Moderator And Admin On Star ...
Hacked By: killer1478
Cheats: 100000000 cash, 1000 ammo for every gun, Extra gun damage!
Hacked By: DFTskillz
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