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  1. #1
    RTM is offline

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    Jul 2008

    Doomed: Knee Deep In The Dead

    You and your buddies are marines, one of Earth's toughest, hardened in combat and trained for action. Three years ago you assaulted a superior officer for ordering his soldiers to fire upon civilians. He and his sorry ass were shipped to Pearl Harbor, while you and some of your buddies were transferred to Mars, home of the Union Aerospace Corporation. The UAC is a multi-planetary conglomerate with radioactive waste facilities on Mars and its two moons, Phobos and Deimos. With no action for fifty million miles, your day consisted of suckin' dust and watchin' restricted flicks in the rec room.

    For the last four years the military, UAC's biggest supplier, has used the remote facilities on Phobos and Deimos to conduct various secret projects, including research on inter-dimensional travel. So far they have been able to open gateways between Phobos and Deimos, throwing a few gadgets into one and watching them come out the other. Recently however, the Gateways have grown dangerously unstable. Military "volunteers" entering them have either disappeared or been stricken with a strange form of insanity - babbling vulgarities, bludgeoning anything that breathes, and finally suffering an untimely death of full-body explosion. Matching heads with torsos to send home to the folks became a full-time job. Latest military reports state that the research is suffering a small set-back, but everything is under control.

    A few hours ago, Mars received a garbled message from Phobos. "We require immediate military support. Something fraggin' evil is coming out of the Gateways! Computer systems have gone berserk!" The rest was incoherent. Soon afterwards, Deimos simply vanished from the sky. Since then, attempts to establish contact with either moon have been unsuccessful.

    You and your buddies, the only combat troops for fifty million miles were sent up pronto to Phobos. You and couple of others were ordered to secure the perimeter of the base while the rest of the team went inside. For several hours, your radio picked up the sounds of combat: guns firing, men yelling orders, screams, bones cracking, flesh ripping then finally, silence. Seems the assault team dead.

    It's Up To You
    Things aren't looking too good. You'll never navigate off the planet on your own. Plus, all the heavy weapons have been taken by the assault team leaving you and the others with peashooters. If only you could get your hands around a shotgun or a rocket launcher you could take a few down on your way out. Whatever killed your buddies deserves a couple of pellets in the forehead. Securing your helmet, you exit the landing pod. Hopefully you can find more substantial firepower somewhere within the station.


    Char. Sheet:

    Name: (Full Please and realistic...)
    Age: (18-25)
    Gender: (Male/Female, no sex please...)
    Rank: (USMC Rank...)



    Name: Earl 'Mr. E' Hawkins
    Age: 19
    Gender: Male
    Rank: Private


    GM (Game Master) Rules

    1: No godmodding, i.e. no making your character an indestructable tank armed with anti-matter nukes or e.t.c.

    2: In context (game) posts must always start after an IC: and never ever overlap with out of context posts which are marked by OOC:. OOC should only be used if you want to say something important, other than that just use AIM/IRC/ICQ or Forum PM feature...

    3: If you signed up then at least try to visit the RP once a day or in two.

    These are the standard rules for most roleplays. Now for an extra rule from me...

    4: Your posts must be detailed and spell checked, gramatical mistakes only reduce the quality of your post. Please try to post detailed and at least normal IC posts and not "Jack moves one step forward, pulls out a gun, shoots the monster."

    That's it I hope...

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Death Valley

    Re: Doomed: Knee Deep In The Dead

    What the? I'll try:


    Name: Keith "The Ledger" Ford
    Age: 25
    Gender: Male
    Rank: Commander(Highest Rank in USMC. Higher than General. The rank is also called Main General or General of Generals.)

  3. #3
    tim is offline
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    Re: Doomed: Knee Deep In The Dead

    i may look strong but i have almost no weapons


    name: president bush
    gender: male
    rank: commander in chief(verry good better then commander)

    weapon: pistol with 50 ammo left

  4. #4

    Join Date
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    Death Valley

    Re: Doomed: Knee Deep In The Dead

    Commander is President!!!!!!!!! The Main General in the President. You got to be someone else.

  5. #5
    tim is offline
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    Re: Doomed: Knee Deep In The Dead

    Quote Originally Posted by vgking7
    Commander is President!!!!!!!!! The Main General in the President. You got to be someone else.
    no commander in chief is the president

  6. #6
    Senior Member
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    Re: Doomed: Knee Deep In The Dead

    Oh well. Its a game.

  7. #7

    Join Date
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    Death Valley

    Re: Doomed: Knee Deep In The Dead

    Quote Originally Posted by tim
    Quote Originally Posted by vgking7
    Commander is President!!!!!!!!! The Main General in the President. You got to be someone else.
    no commander in chief is the president
    That's commander. President is commander in army!

  8. #8
    tim is offline
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    Re: Doomed: Knee Deep In The Dead

    no commander in chief is the president of the COUNTRY!!!

  9. #9
    Senior Member
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    Re: Doomed: Knee Deep In The Dead

    Oh my ******* god!

    Excerpt from: ... ted_States
    Commander in Chief
    The Constitution of the United States gives the title to the President of the United States, who "shall be Commander-in-Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States". In Federalist Papers #69 spelled out that the President would not be Commander in Chief UNTIL Congress had first declared war."... In this respect his authority would be nominally the same with that of the king of Great Britain, but in substance much inferior to it. It would amount to nothing more than the supreme command and direction of the military and naval forces, as first General and admiral of the Confederacy; while that of the British king extends to the declaring of war and to the raising and regulating of fleets and armies -- all which, by the Constitution under consideration, would appertain to the legislature."

    Excerpt from:
    Commander is a military rank used in many navies and some air forces but is very rarely used as a rank in armies. The rank (originally "Master and Commander") originated in the 18th and early 19th centuries to describe lieutenants that were "captains" of smaller ships such as sloops or brigs. The Royal Navy shortened "Master and Commander" to just "Commander" in 1794.[1]


  10. #10

    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Death Valley

    Re: Doomed: Knee Deep In The Dead

    Actually Commander Controls all the Army, Marines, Air Force, and Navy. Also tim let's have it your way. I take 90% of the army. Take them to the White House. Control the Secret Service. And I come to your room with 40 Marines and shoot the crap out of you. New President.

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