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Thread: Fights

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Hey umm... This is kind of awkward. Just listen.

    So I left my bag on the bus yesterday, and I got on the bus today and some kids were saying I had makeup in my bag. Now this is false. I didn't have any makeup in my bag, and they kept insisting on it. Later on the ride, I was talking to my friend about it, and the word "c***s****er" stumbled out of my mouth. Now one of the kids (A sophomore, I am a freshie) said, "what did you just say lipstick b*tch?". Now I am not one to get pushed around, so I said "I said "c***s****er"". He stood up and said "say it to my face!" So I did. We almost got into a fight, but I refrained from hitting him because in our county, there is a $500 fine and possible jail time for fighting. Now my family isn't that well off, and there is no way we can pay that fine. If there was no fine, I would've clocked him right in the jaw. Now take into consideration that these kids are pretty much the scum of the earth. Trailer trash, smoking punks. I have nothing against those who live in trailer parks, in fact many of my friends do. But these kids are your classic movie trailer trash. There is a huge gang of them. So it is likely if I beat the hell out of one of them, I'll get jumped. Because that is the way they are.

    What the hell do I do???????

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Re: Fights

    What's a c***s****er?
    I've been here before.

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    Re: Fights

    It's a cuss. C*cksucker. Does that make it easier?

  4. #4
    Willy's Avatar
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    Re: Fights

    Honestly, in this situation I hope saying this doesn't start a war for me... Well, if you think that they are that much lower than you "trailer park trash" then just ignore them, you are a no better then them if you start to fight with them, that is my suggestion to you
    Hope this helps

  5. #5
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    Re: Fights

    We'll just have to see what goes on tomorrow...

  6. #6
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    Re: Fights

    Why did you censor sucker? That's like on songs when they censor the "hole" in a*shole. Hole isn't a bad word...

  7. #7
    Senior Member spiderkid12's Avatar
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    Re: Fights

    Quote Originally Posted by Magicman
    Why did you censor sucker? That's like on songs when they censor the "hole" in a*shole. Hole isn't a bad word...
    Ikr? Its annoying. Its like when they censor "damn"

    Quote Originally Posted by wi6791lly
    Honestly, in this situation I hope saying this doesn't start a war for me... Well, if you think that they are that much lower than you "trailer park trash" then just ignore them, you are a no better then them if you start to fight with them, that is my suggestion to you
    Hope this helps
    Sometimes this does work out but then there are bullies that just provoke you until you crack. Id say from this bunch of bad bunnies theres a 50% chance it could work....but just act like they dont exist. Dont talk to them, dont look at them.

  8. #8
    Senior Member
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    Re: Fights

    Quote Originally Posted by spiderkid12
    Quote Originally Posted by Magicman
    Why did you censor sucker? That's like on songs when they censor the "hole" in a*shole. Hole isn't a bad word...
    Ikr? Its annoying. Its like when they censor "damn"
    That's not the same at all.
    Damn is a swear word, sucker and hole aren't
    Um... I used to be a moderator here...

  9. #9
    Senior Member xxSharpfirexx's Avatar
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    Re: Fights

    So you just started standing and yelling on the bus?

  10. #10
    Senior Member
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    Re: Fights

    Let go of your pride and ignore/avoid them.

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