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  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    HeroCraft: The Heros Legacy

    In this game, you may choose an opponent, or team up with another player against another team, or once in awhile play in quests and missions that will give you a special award upon victory. You pick a race, age, move, type so on and then how you play will affect your characters future. Special moves will be gained upon leveling and the certain race and age you are

    A GameMaster will decide the damage (or in healing spells, heal amount), and eventually extra effects.
    NOTE: After you and your opponent has posted let a GAMEMASTER say if it is possible or not.
    Example: Rofl: *shoots an arrow* Blade: *dodges and runs towards you*
    Roflcopter3399: Yes blade has evaded effectively and has run towards you
    After both of you have posted let a GAMEMASTER decide if you can continue on.

    Example: Rofl: *shoots 123123123 arrows* Blade: *dodges and laughs*

    Once in a while the market may come by.
    You may buy items and power ups and special spells with the gold you currently have. You earn gold from killing enemies, winning quests, special awards, winning in tournys, beating people in the game and just sometimes randomly you might get random items/gold

    Fill out this special form in order to play, so a GAMEMASTER may keep control of the game.
    NOTE: Certain things you pick may or may not affect your future character

    This is pretty simple, just pick your first and last name and your good to go

    Different races give you different affect and attitude, if you pick an evil race try to have an evil attitude
    Try to follow the attitudes, but it can change like if you turn EVIL!?!?!

    Elf – Is a nice person who is in touch with nature – Elf has faster healing abilities and speed.
    Elf Starter Ability: Tree touch (This spell ONLY works on trees, it will summon 2 tree monsters to aid you for a while)

    Human – Has normal personalities , Humans have high defense and intelligence
    Human Starter Ability: Frost armor (Increases defense by 25%)

    Orc – Are just like humans really, the only difference is there moves and weapon choices
    Orc Starter Ability: Hero’s Swipe (Increases Attack by 50%)
    Undead – Thinks with there strength, they don’t care for the world as much but they do enjoy a good battle. (Have high Attack and moderate healing abilities note low defense)
    Undead Starter Ability: Curse (25% chance your opponent will miss)

    Demons – They are world destroyers they enjoy destroying what ever they can, they will kill you if they had a chance to do it. Demons have high Damage, Defense, Health, and Intelligence, you may think this is awesome BUT, they are a very difficult race to use and to train. There weakness is light and healing moves, which can be blocked if you have the right gear to defend it with.
    Demon Starter Ability: Meteor (Slowly Rains Meteors for a while causing damage if hit)

    WEAPONS/CLASS (automatically gets leather armor) (Note: You can have magic/long range abilities even if you are not an archer/magician)
    Warrior: Sword, dagger and a wooden shield
    Archer: Wooden bow, with bronze tipped arrows
    Magician: Wooden staff and Wizards hat (wizard hat = +1 int)
    Thief: Duel daggers and 20 throwing stars (Stars can be recharged but will cost you)
    Priest: Wooden wand and 5 healing potions
    Spearman: Wooden long spear and wooden dagger a long with leather helmet
    Druid: Bronze claws and a spell book (Spell book could be reed to unlock 1 spell)
    I forgot some classes, but you can make your own and tell me what you want it to have, must pick 2 weapons and a class or it and then must wait for my approval
    NOTE: Depending on what class you pick will affect your future goals

    Tell me what element you want (this will tell me what type of skills/moves to give you)
    Options are: Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Steel, Ice, Lava.
    Then pick your main source
    Strength, Defense, Agility, Intelligence.

    Age is for fun, you can pick any age you want.

    Survivor Move:
    Survivor Move is of course an ability you can use at any time to give you an edge
    Lightning Shield – Does the same damage your enemy’s melee attacks does to you
    Stone Skin – Doubles your defense temporarily
    Healing Wave – Heals 10% of your health and 4 other allies health
    Immune – Will temporarily make you immune to all types of damage
    Blood Lust – Temporarily increases state this spell can be used on anyone
    Lava Lash – Covers your weapon with lava doing 2x the damage.
    Duel Wield – Doubles your weapons and increases damage by 25%
    (Note Duel Wield will double your arrow shot for archers and magic blast for magicians)
    Second Form – Temporarily disables your attacks, but in return can only be hit by magic

    NOTE: Survive move have long delays, when used a GAMEMASTER will inform you when you have the ability to use it again
    Everybody automatically has
    300 Health and 500 Mp (MP is magic points), all spells cost magic points, you will increase then when leveling or buying certain gear. Health and Magic will slowly recover over time, depending on what race you have will affect the speed of recovery

    Example of how to pick your character properly
    Name: Illidan Stormrage
    Race: Elf
    Class: Warrior/Sword/dagger/wooden shield
    Attribute: Wind
    Age: 20
    Survivor move: Blood Lust
    That is basically it

    Just choose these things and you're ready to enter the arena!

    Remember, you will gain moves and abilities when leveling depending on the weapon and race you have, you may betray your team, and you may do anything you want.
    Think of this as if you where this character in real life

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Jan 2010

    Re: HeroCraft: The Heros Legacy

    can i be a game master

    Class: Warrior/Sword/dagger/wooden shield
    agever 9000
    survivor mode: Immune

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    Toronto, Canada

    Re: HeroCraft: The Heros Legacy

    No sorry you can't

  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    Area 1, Holy Britannian Empire

    Re: HeroCraft: The Heros Legacy

    Name: Johnny Rayona
    Race: Human
    Class: Archer (He has let me keep my original steel bow and regenerative steel arrows)
    Attribute: Fire
    Strong Area: Agility
    Age: 19
    Survivor Move: Dual Wield

    1 Thessalonians 4:16-17: The Lord comes swiftly.

  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    Re: HeroCraft: The Heros Legacy

    shall we fight auburn

  6. #6
    Senior Member
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    Re: HeroCraft: The Heros Legacy

    Okay done, remember you start with 500 gold, you will shortly face somebody who signs up.
    and remember you have frost armor and a wooden shield which i guess you can sell or something

  7. #7
    Senior Member
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    Area 1, Holy Britannian Empire

    Re: HeroCraft: The Heros Legacy

    Does the shield have a strap that you could attach to your arm or something? If so I am not selling it
    1 Thessalonians 4:16-17: The Lord comes swiftly.

  8. #8
    Senior Member
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    Re: HeroCraft: The Heros Legacy

    Deathnote lol 9000 years old?

    Whatever goes i guess.

    Yes you two will start fighting off

    and yes the shield has a strap that you can attach on your back or arm

  9. #9
    Senior Member
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    Area 1, Holy Britannian Empire

    Re: HeroCraft: The Heros Legacy

    You said the age was just for fun, and yeah I'm not selling the shield, rather I will strap it to my left arm now

    *Gets out bow and nocks and arrow*
    1 Thessalonians 4:16-17: The Lord comes swiftly.

  10. #10
    Senior Member
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    Re: HeroCraft: The Heros Legacy

    raises shield and runs at you with the sword

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