Arcade Prehacks

View Poll Results: What do you think of ATF?

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  • Its a straight-up forum where everything relates to the topic.

    3 27.27%
  • Its different. When We had killer, Justin, DwD, and pinkpoodle all was fun.

    6 54.55%
  • Who's Justin? Who's DwD? pinkpoodle? Yeah I know killer.

    2 18.18%
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Thread: Topic: ATF

  1. #1
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Topic: ATF

    This place has changed a lot... with all the new admins and gms it doesnt seem fun anymore

    Discuss the good ole times?

    EDIT: Just found the sentence for it. It almost seems... alien-like.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Re: Topic: ATF

    Do you know what's changed?
    I don't think you really do.
    I think you are kinda afraid of everything being the way should be - people got ranks and positions they really deserve,the rules have been arranged and merged,the forum cleaned up and all games that never could be hacked are now published on APH and bunch of new features implemented.
    I really think you should consider twice what you're saying.

    I got a couple of questions,too:
    1. About the admins and gmods,what's your exact point?
    2. Alien-like? I'd love to see what's that sentence.

    I also think that the poll you created is not fair.
    if people think the forum is the way should be they don't have to agree it's no fun.
    That's stupid. In a matter of fact there are more forum games ,movies and games talks and arts.

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    Jun 2009

    Re: Topic: ATF

    Quote Originally Posted by MartinRistov
    Do you know what's changed?
    I don't think you really do.
    I think you are kinda afraid of everything being the way should be - people got ranks and positions they really deserve,the rules have been arranged and merged,the forum cleaned up and all games that never could be hacked are now published on APH and bunch of new features implemented.
    I really think you should consider twice what you're saying.

    I got a couple of questions,too:
    1. About the admins and gmods,what's your exact point?
    2. Alien-like? I'd love to see what's that sentence.
    I feel like you are attacking me.

    people got ranks and positions they really deserve,the rules have been arranged and merged
    Yes, but people also lost their ranks and positions they deserve. Mostly because they quit, or got banned for some stupid reason (o4wilsonm). Rules have changed. Yeah they do.
    the forum cleaned up
    What... why?! Those were all the good times we had.
    1. About the admins and gmods,what's your exact point?
    Admins and gms. I wasn't saying bad people got put in, or good people got put out. I was saying, people left, quit, or gave up here. DwD, Justin, and BW were great people. I don't know what happened to them, I wasn't here.
    2. Alien-like? I'd love to see what's that sentence.
    Alien-like. I wasn't referring to the forum itself, but how I felt here. Everything is different. greeny is an Ex-staff, certain members that were epic here are gone... How would you feel if you walked into your home and everything was different. Maybe a little po'd or confused. Perhaps left out? You weren't there when it was changed, so you might miss the old ways.

    I am sorry if I offended you, or my sayings were not explained as much as they should have. I was just hoping for opinions, maybe facts, but mostly a discussion on how far ATF has come.

    I also think that the poll you created is not fair.
    if people think the forum is the way should be they don't have to agree it's no fun.
    That's stupid. In a matter of fact there are more forum games ,movies and games talks and arts.
    I was referring to another time. When Justin, DwD, and o4 were here. Most people here wouldn't know who they were. Another way this forum has changed. Polls weren't made to be serious! We had polls that were plain out random! This was just for laughs, to see what people think!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Re: Topic: ATF

    I feel like you are attacking me.
    Weird. I wasn't attacking anyone just replied to an argument.

    Yes, but people also lost their ranks and positions they deserve.
    Staff members must hack,that's the new rule. It's fair to other users,that's for sure,that way everyone who has a potential can get in.

    got banned for some stupid reason (o4wilsonm).
    I wasn't quite here when he got banned. I just remember killer did it because he was going against him.
    However Wilson is given a second chance.

    What... why?! Those were all the good times we had.
    I meant it metaphorically. All topics are here. My point was all topics that were all around and had similar point were merged together.
    We have a new owner,you know.

    Admins and gms. I wasn't saying bad people got put in, or good people got put out. I was saying, people left, quit, or gave up here. DwD, Justin, and BW were great people. I don't know what happened to them, I wasn't here.
    DwD was a mod as I remember. He quit because he had other stuff to do.
    Justin was an admin. He left because his dog died.
    BW was a global moderator. He still keep saying he has exams and more important things then just a forum.
    Hope I kinda cleared things up.

    Everything is different. greeny is an Ex-staff, certain members that were epic here are gone...
    Greeny is ex-staff because all Arcade sites were too much pressure for him.
    He got engaged and started a whole new level of life.
    Those epic member come and go,trust me. You can't just stay on one place forever. That's why is MSN.

    Perhaps left out? You weren't there when it was changed, so you might miss the old ways.
    i think you're over-reacting. And no,wrong,I was here. I still remember exchanging opinions with Justin and RJT.
    Yeah I kinda miss them but not like the way you do. I'm just glad things got better.

    I am sorry if I offended you, or my sayings were not explained as much as they should have. I was just hoping for opinions, maybe facts, but mostly a discussion on how far ATF has come.
    No worries,you didn't offend me in any way,i just want to give my opinions straight.
    ATF...yeah a legend forum. It's like time. Once it's passed you can't get it back,you just have to live with it

  5. #5
    DaBestMan's Avatar
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    Somewhere In NY

    Re: Topic: ATF

    The forums not really that old its just 2 years old.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Re: Topic: ATF

    Quote Originally Posted by DaBestMan
    The forums not really that old its just 2 years old.
    That's a lot for a forum,especially for one that has rising number of users every day and an average of 15 posts per user per day

  7. #7
    Senior Member
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    Jun 2009

    Re: Topic: ATF

    [quote:1g5dy8ox]Perhaps left out? You weren't there when it was changed, so you might miss the old ways.
    i think you're over-reacting. And no,wrong,I was here. I still remember exchanging opinions with Justin and RJT.
    Yeah I kinda miss them but not like the way you do. I'm just glad things got better.[/quote]

    You kinda got that one wrong. I was saying, I wasn't here when it all began to change. I was trying to put you in the position by referring to a place that was changed without knowing about it. I have been inactive for about half a year, I have had my ups and downs. And now I come back to get an opinion on what we all think about ATF. Nothing serious, just for giggles, laughs, arguments (like this one). Thank you for taking your time to post in here. I have learned some things. I have gained some sense, and feel a bit warm here.

    One question though.
    I'm just glad things got better.
    How exactly did that happen? Did something bad happen?

    Quote Originally Posted by MartinRistov
    Quote Originally Posted by DaBestMan
    The forums not really that old its just 2 years old.
    That's a lot for a forum,especially for one that has rising number of users every day and an average of 15 posts per user per day
    (0.58 posts per day / 0.25% of all posts)

    Lmao, I bring the mean posts per day down a bunch.

  8. #8
    Senior Member
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    Toronto, Canada

    Re: Topic: ATF

    I wish i was around to see those ''epic'' people. I came a bit late, i kind of came around the same time they decided to leave.
    I like the forum and i am sure i will be around for a long time, it's definitely fun. I can't compare right now to back then as i wasn't here, greeny was a lot more active from what i have seen but xnite in forces the rules which i think should be done.

    I have know a lot of forum websites that lasted a lot longer, but they are huge so not fair comparing.

    15 post per user everyday? REALLY? Are we counting the active people or everyone?

    Wish i had 2 votes, i would vote for this forum is awesome and who are those people, but since i can't really vote against the first or second one my vote goes to fabulous door number 3.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Re: Topic: ATF

    Not if I rise it up!
    (8.44% of all posts / 20.95 posts per day)

    Thank you for taking your time to post in here. I have learned some things. I have gained some sense, and feel a bit warm here.
    It's my job as a staff member to clear up things that you weren't aware of. You're welcome

    How exactly did that happen? Did something bad happen?
    Right as you said man,the owner now is Xnite and the guy really invested in all websites.
    I mean really all - APH and ATF.
    By investing I mean by all points - money,time and efford.

    Going to bed now.
    Cya tomorrow,

  10. #10
    DaBestMan's Avatar
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    Somewhere In NY

    Re: Topic: ATF

    You still can maybe you can search the people Carbine20 was talking about.
    i will going to bed soon too.
    Good Night.

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